Author Spotlight with Katta Kis

Hello all and welcome to another Author Spotlight! I just love doing these and getting to know the amazing members of The Indie Resource. We’re such a fun group, if I do say so myself!

Today we have Katta Kis with us. They have been a member since I think very close to the beginning, and are simply amazing! I can’t wait to learn more about you! Could you tell us how long you have been writing and what made you start?

On and off my whole life but I really got into writing twelve years ago in college when I first did National Novel Writing Month.

I don’t know why I started, probably the reason I write still: I need to. Writing as an outlet has gotten me through hard times, helped me work out my emotions, and allowed me to create new worlds.

That is a great way to put it and I couldn’t agree more. Sometimes writing has been the escape I needed and the breath of fresh air I need to get through another day! Do you have a certain genre you are interested in writing? I’d also love to know what inspires your stories.

Currently contemporary romance. So many things inspire my stories. I’m a slower writer who does a lot of research so there are usually many threads that come together to form a whole by the time I really know what I’m writing about.

I love that! I like to write mystery which means you need to have all of those strings attached! lol Have you published yet?

Yes! I recently published my first book, Love in the Liner Notes, in October of 2023. I’m looking forward to publishing the sequel, Love at the Rock Show, sometime in 2024.

Amazing! I’m sure the readers will be interested in learning more about that. (Hint hint, check out that link!) A lot of our readers are authors like yourself. Tell us, how did you improve as an author and find your voice?

Lots and lots of reading and practice.Similar to the previous answer, lots of shitty first drafts, experimentation, reading, classes, conferences, writing groups, and listening. Being open to learning, always.

Absolutely! It’s definitely important to make sure you are taking in, learning and growing! Could you tell us what you’re currently working on?

‘I’m currently working on marketing my first book and editing my second. Also, I have a full-time day job so I’m trying to make sure I have some sort of work/life balance. It’s a work in progress.

The Indie author grind never ends! I love that, definitely need to make sure you have that balance! Before we go, could you give some advice to your fellow authors?

Persistence in the face of constant rejection is key, that and having a supportive community.

Absolutely! Thank you so much for sticking around with us here today and sharing a bit about yourself. If you can please make sure you look at Katta Kis’s links, you can find them below!

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